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How big is the Covid19 virus?

The Covid-19 virus is 0.1 microns.

“COVID 19 virus particle size is 125 nanometers (0.125 microns); the range is 0.06 microns to .14 microns,

How big is a micron?

A micron is on millionth of a meter or one thousandth of a millimeter. A micron is also called a micrometer.

Can you see it with a school issue microscope?

Diffraction limits resolution to approximately 0.2 micrometers. This limits the magnification so that you cannot see it with an optical microscope it is about 10x too small.

What is the diameter of a human hair?

This measurement is not precise because human hair varies in diameter, ranging anywhere from 17 microns to 181 microns but the average is around 70 microns.

How does Covid-19 compare to a human hair?

The covid-19 is 700x smaller than the average human hair (assuming human hair is 70 microns and covid is 0.1 micron). If you imagine zooming in on a human hair such that it is one meter in diameter, then the virus is about 0ne and a half millimeters.


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